
Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Estate Planning

Everyone in the Dayton area can benefit from estate planning. However, if you are a high-net-worth individual, it is crucial to ensure that the assets you worked so hard to accumulate are secure for your loved ones. A well-executed estate plan can provide peace of mind.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Business Law Attorney Can Guide a Startup in The Right Direction

Startup businesses are prevalent in Ohio and nationwide.  One model that some of them try to emulate is that of wildly successful Uber, the digital rideshare company. However, the right combination of factors must be present and sometimes the owner/founder of the company may make fatal mistakes that are antithetical to business success.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Health Care Documents Are Important to Estate Planning Process

Estate planning in Ohio includes preparation of legal instruments that establish certain preferences that persons have regarding future health care treatments. Two common health care directives are the living will and the health care power of attorney, which may be called by different names in different states.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

3 Types of Probate Litigation Issues

Probate litigation comes into play when there are disputes over assets and distribution of assets following a death. Probate lawsuits can encompass many different areas, including breach of trust, exploitation or exclusion. Here is a brief overview of three common areas where you may encounter probate lawsuits.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Probate Courts Face Issue of Whether to Release Private Emails

In Ohio and other states, should a person's estate have complete control over the decedent's private emails?  A service provider, Yahoo, recently filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking that it reverse a state court decision holding that a probate court could not refuse the estate's access to the deceased man's private emails.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Estate Planning May Be a Valuable Gift to One's Loved Ones

Estate experts in Ohio and elsewhere would likely agree that the spirit of Valentine's Day justifies a special kind of gift for one's family: the gift of an estate plan that will protect the family if one becomes disabled and unable to handle his or her own affairs.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

Estate Planning Includes the Use of Trusts to Avoid Probate

Probate of an estate in Ohio begins after an owner of assets dies. The owner may die with or without a will. If there is no will, but there are assets in the decedent's name, an estate must be opened. With no will, estates must follow state statutory rules and may not try to satisfy the decedent's wishes.
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Stachler Harmon Attorneys at Law

3 Factors that Increase the Likelihood of Estate Disputes

When it comes to estate planning in the Dayton, Ohio, area, one of the best things you can do to keep your loved ones from fighting amongst themselves. All too often estate disputes occur because one or several individuals do not agree with the final instructions the deceased has left behind.
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