In today’s world, shoppers have many options. A recent survey suggests that a fair portion of today’s consumers plan to look more towards small businesses for their shopping needs in the future.
The survey was from Vistaprint, and over 1,500 U.S. adults were polled in it. The results were weighted to be an accurate representation of the U.S. population. According to the results:
75 percent of consumers indicated a likelihood of going to small businesses for some of their shopping for this year’s holiday season.
A little under 27 percent of consumers indicated a likelihood of doing more shopping at small businesses next year than they did this year.
What do you think is behind this apparent increased interest in small business shopping among some American consumers?
Many different things could draw a person to shopping at a small business. For one, they could be looking for a different shopping and consumer experience than what they get when going to larger retailers. It can be important for small businesses to understand what aspects of the shopping experience and values matter to their customer base. How consistent the brand, image and values a small business projects are with what its target customers value could have considerable impacts on its ability to attract and keep customers.
A variety of things could impact how customers view a given small business’s brand and what customers feel the business’ values are. This includes what happens with legal matters that come up for the business. So, issues regarding their company's brand and reputation are among the things small business owners may be concerned about when such matters arise for their company. Business lawyers can advise small business owners on what strategies they might want to pursue related to a given legal matter given their particular concerns and goals.