If you are starting to think about the end of your lifetime and the legacy that you would like to leave, it's probably time to create a will. Many people wait too late before making their wishes formally known, and this can mean that they are never fulfilled, causing the loved ones that they left behind to experience great distress.
While some think of will creation as a morbid thing to do, the exact opposite can be true: it can be a life-affirming act that makes you proud to be able to leave a positive mark on the world at the end of your life. The following is an overview of the first considerations you should make when planning your estate.
Your Beneficiaries
Perhaps the most important part of a will is deciding who you would like to inherit your assets. Some people choose family, friends, or people who left a lasting impact on their life. It is also possible to leave assets to charities.
Your Property
Wills cover both real and personal property. This means that you will need to name beneficiaries for houses, land, assets held within bank accounts, stocks, family heirlooms, and other items.
If you have dependent children, one of the most important things to do in a will is to name legal guardians in the event that both parents pass away. This will give you peace of mind that your children will always be cared for.
If you are starting to think about the legacy that you want to leave behind at the end of your life, you should consider the different estate planning tools available.